Monday, March 25, 2024

Kelli Dawson, Gypsy Gurl, Thief and Con Woman, as Madame's... Romani Con.

"Gypsy Gurl" Thief, Tacoma Pierce County
We decided to start this blog after experiencing ‘Gypsy Gurl’ Crime and Theft in our home and as a landlords.  We wanted to let others know about how these con people: taking advantage of normal boundaries and social norms.  They push limits that normal ethical, and truth telling individuals would not push, and this is how they succeed in conning and stealing your stuff.  

When you understand the manipulation they use and identify it then it is easy to stop them and veer the other way.  You need to get them totally out of your life and property and get law enforcement involved, even the F.B.I if necessary.

With reference the term “gypsy” people claim it is wrong to identify people this way.  However…Kelli referred to herself as “Gypsy Gurl” and was very proud of her heritage in the gypsy community especially where it concerned being able to manipulate people….should we replace that word with criminal…or manipulator?   Is every person identified as a gypsy a criminal or a thief…?  certainly not…but this community needs to do more to curb it’s heritage of crime and fraud.  Here is a link to the “Crucifixion Legend:  Now called Romani People

Which supposedly explains the community’s right to steal your stuff!

The F.B.I.   Is Sexy!
Click Here!


Here is a woman named "Kelli Dawson," who calls herself "Gypsy Gurl", who stole jewelry, food, collectibles, and electronics.   She is well travelled in Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Californa, Washington State, Las Vegas, and Florida.

E.G. Hall....Click  Here....

While she was in our house:


stealing and being a general nuisance she was also online doing internet fraud with stolen credit cards and doing "sweetheart fraud" in Australia.   She was headed to Australia when she was evicted from our house by court order.  While she lived at the house she was abusing Klonipine and Morphine and had a past drug history with Meth Amphetamine.  She had lost her kids and bragged openly about using men for sex and drugs.  She also admitted regularly shop lifting regularly at local stores.   A habit she claimed she was reformed from, but in fact we think she was doing it while living at our house as items of clothing and goods she could not afford would appear after she went out (which was not often) and used her EBT card. 
Kelli Dawson stole clothing, food, jewelry....Her Whole Attitude is ENTITLEMENT...She was more than happy to call on her non-existent Christianity to get help and goods from others. 


Our private nickname for Kelli at first was "crow" because she was so attracted to bright glittery things.  She would sneak into other roommate's rooms and borrow without permission jewelry and other shiny object...sometimes she would steal them and we would find them in weird places.

She would ask to borrow one thing and end up with 5 was very maddening!   She would always admit her guilt when confronted...this was how she got away with it.  She would admit she was guilty and then beg forgiveness.   On one occasion, she actually stated "I know I have a  character disorder"...."won't you help me?"
Here's the hook...what kind of meanie won't help someone who is trying to recover right?

Gypsy Skirt
Later we started calling Kelli "Madame's Place,”

partially because there was a physical resemblance and partially because of the high drama associated with Kelli.  

In pictures she could look somewhat attractive but in person she looked like “Madame's Place” with two hands worth of jewelry, rings,and bracelets, lots of dangling things.  You can sometimes tell these cons by their jewelry.  

There is usually a lot of it and it is classified as "bling attack..." You can spot female cons some times based on their jewelry alone...there is usually a lot of it and it tends to be sparkly and showing.   It can also be out of context...wearing diamond rings to a homeless shelter for instance ... and you guessed is often  if not always stolen.

One time  when we were at a shelter making a delivery of donated clothing and we actually met a British Romani,…this is not racial profiling, for all the people out there screaming about political correctness?  (she identified herself as a “gypsy” from England)… we don't care...after being totally ripped off, and dealing with thieving Romani Organized Crime we do not want anything to do with anyone of them...anyone who has gone through this understands, particularly when the person identifies as “gypsy” in question) are SO proud of being organized crime and ripping people off...) 
BG is how she identified herself...she spoke with a very educated British accent, then a totally cockney accent ... it was very hard not to be utterly fascinated... she literally transformed from an 85 year old broken down old woman who was spewing obscenities, to a 48 year old vital woman who was running an online "ETSY" Business 

Account...   Here she was minute bedraggled... but using the city's shelter's computers to conduct business, dealing in stolen goods.  Her angle was to attach to Gay men and access their homes and personal property, steal it and put it on Craigslist, Etsy, and Ebay. 

European Romani Involved In Biggest Heists of the Year

She claimed at first she had an "English Degree a PH D, from Cambridge University and had fallen on "hard times,"  she was completely magnetic, and like Kelli it is hard not to be taken in...until you realize her hardened eyes are scoping you out as a potential sucker...and victim to steal from...Time and Time again it is admittedly HARD not to be charmed by these con artists...BUT THIS IS THE POINT....they are charming as they steal all your family heirlooms and your peace of mind...and unfortunately drugs can be involved.

You have to understand the con to understand how this have to be down on your luck to need to live with other people.  So thieving criminals in the Romani Organized Crime have the perfect "victim" con game to get into your house...hard luck life... being a victim (it is a con...) is how you avoid traditional law enforcement detection and being apprehended.  

When you become a roommate in someone's home, (or romantic interest in someone's life...) you have FULL access to everything they have, (and their friends and family)  WE know another Romani Crime Individual who worked for Western State Hospital in Washington State.   He would go to work and every (6) months get into a different living situation around the county.  

He would use his kids as decoys.  

On holidays like the 4th of July or Halloween he would go and meet neighbors and get to know them using his kids as a front ... later he would gain access to the homes and steal from everyone.   Thieving people like this STEAL right under your nose...he admitted he was from a Romani Family in Pierce County that lived on Hilltop and dabbled in stolen jewelry, drugs, pot growing and stolen car parts and collectibles....

He himself grew up abused and while not on the run in Foster Care at times ... the system had paid for his college degree and he was actually working as a counselor/advocate for disturbed teens who had committed crimes related to sexual deviancy...on the side he grew pot and was a thief...old habits die hard right?
Romani Gold

Just do it...

The thing is with these type of people Organized Crime Romani (for all you folks concerned about political correctness and racial profiling...LOL) they are hard to detect, track and deal with.   You can do a background check but they may have fake ID (and it can be really good)  They tend to avoid detection by law enforcement because they commit crimes of an emotional nature and  many victims are reluctant to come forward.  


Our household DID call the police after Kelli Dawson was found to have taken a credit card.  The police advised her to move out and for us to evict her.   She was given many chances, her behavior got very strange because she was abusing drugs.  

When We finally DID start the process of evicting her, she tried to stop it by accusing her landlord of domestic violence.  She had open sores on her hands and arms from drug use and "picking"   previously we had notified her doctor about her drug use.   The night we formally told her she was going to be evicted, she called the police and pled her case...crying crocodile tears the whole time....she made accusations that were utterly false,  and this my friends is how these con people operate...they are consummate liars...


I was upstairs on a computer during the time of the alleged "domestic violence" and other roommates were here as well.   The police never spoke to them.  The following day when she saw I was in the process of getting a court order, she tried to pick a fight with me to get her to hit her.   I knew her game...she had done this to previous landlords trying to get a restraining order.   After she shoved me I called the police.

She was classic "Madame's Place" very dramatic and very hysterical, because in fact after several months of dealing with Kelli she knew I was serious and she was going to be evicted.   She called the police and opened up one of her wounds on her hand.   While I was upstairs calling the police Kelli called the police.  Our housemates were here during the whole time.   The police came, two burly men, they talked to Kelli and then came upstairs and without saying anything put handcuffs on me.   Later when I was in the squad car they told me that they "were tired of coming to the house and why had I not evicted her yet?"  They told me straight to my face that they did not like me because I was liberal and running a community house where people were given access to "our nice neighborhood."  I admit now they had a point.   We should have kicked Kelli out the first time she stole something and evicted her immediately after the stolen credit card incident.   But Kelli played on my "niceness" and desire to be kind and do the right thing.   Trust me...she could care less.  Organized Crime Romani are predators...think of them like land sharks, they never stop coming until you stop them.
So I went to jail...for three days because I did not know how to bail out...what drove me nuts was knowing Kelli had FULL access to my home and all my mother and grandmother's stuff.  The linens lovingly crocheted in the last century, fragile antique jewelry and collectibles.  While I was in jail...Kelli bragged to people "She was going to take the property"  Shades of "Pacific Heights,"  Kelli had pulled this stunt on previous landlords.   The difference?  The cops she dealt with were female and immune to feminine crocodile tears.   After she had moved into our house I called law enforcement to ask if she was in fact from the local Organized Crime family.  They gave me cryptic answers, no one had enough evidence to bust her.  After three days in jail I bailed out to a recovery center because I was basically homeless and my family was out of town.   I spent two weeks away from my home.
I did go back via court order to get my legal papers and my weapons that were hidden.  Kelli during this time took so many drugs that she almost O'D ed.  Our other community members had to have her taken to a local hospital when she was falling down and almost passed out.   I went back to court and spoke to a local Judge.   Kelli met me in court and was spot on for the arrogant Madame Place, but the Judge knew her antics and she was immediately evicted.   I put her stuff in storage and held it for 60 days, we lost two months rent and had to pay for storage but it was worth having her gone.  We are telling this story to show a profile of actual organized crime personnel and give tips on how to protect yourself, your property and family from this type of activity.

We want to thank Public Storage for storing Kelli's stuff faithfully for almost 90 days!  And to Salvation Army for accepting it as a donation after she refused to pick up on as mandated by law.

Guess what happened next?   Story to be continued.... 


Kelli Dawson, Gypsy Gurl, Thief and Con Woman, as Madame's... Romani Con.

"Gypsy Gurl" Thief, Tacoma Pierce County We  decided to start this blog after experiencing ‘Gypsy Gurl’ Crime and Theft in our ...